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In October 1987, Bolsonaro faced a new accusation. Veja reported that, with an Army colleague, he had plans to plant bombs in military units in Rio de Janeiro. After Bolsonaro called the allegation "a fantasy", the magazine published, in its next issue, sketches in which the plan was detailed. The drawings had allegedly been made by Bolsonaro. Official records unearthed by the newspaper O Estado de S. Paulo in 2018 detailed the case. After an investigation by an administrative military bureau named Justification Board, Bolsonaro was unanimously considered guilty. According to this board, Bolsonaro had a "serious personality deviation and a professional deformation", "lack of moral courage to leave the Army" and "lied throughout the process" when denying frequent contacts with Aprecie.

Trump has denied all charges. Before taking off, Trump took to social media to again criticize the case as politically motivated and repeat his baseless claim that the 2020 election was “crooked.”

As former President Donald J. Trump campaigns for the White House while multiple criminal prosecutions against him play out, at least one thing is clear: Under the laws of physics, he cannot be in two places at once.

Trump saiu com um ferimento na orelha e estava sangrando. Ele também gritou por volta para a multidão e ergueu este punho.

"And I'm just distraught and probably six minutes go by, and we hear these loud sirens," he said. "And Karen looks at me and tells me that they're going to bring him [Trump] here since we're only like ten minutes, but six miles away."

Biden passou o fim de semanada presidindo uma defesa natural-sucedida por Israel depois que o Irã enviou centenas do mísseis e drones contra este estado judeu, à medida de que aumentavam ESTES temores do uma guerra Muito mais ampla pelo Oriente Médio.

Lula volta a condenar atentado a Trump e diz que republicano 'vai tentar tirar proveito' do episódio

It’s the third criminal case brought against the former president as he vlogdolisboa seeks to reclaim the White House.

In New York, he is accused of falsifying business records in connection with a hush money payment while the special counsel, Jack Smith, also previously accused Mr. Trump of mishandling national security secrets.

A fala por Araújo inclusive foi interrompida por outros ministros, qual concordaram que é necessário se ater à reunião utilizando os embaixadores e afirmaram que seus votos se baseavam justamente nesse encontro, isento considerar a minuta tais como prova.

But as Mr. Trump’s own grip on power became threatened — by his first impeachment in 2019 and a two-year investigation into Russian election meddling — he broadened the narrative. His campaign speeches became peppered with accusations that career civil servants had conspired to undermine his presidency.

Os advogados de Trump argumentaram qual esse julgamento deveria ser adiado até que a Suprema Corte decida Acerca as suas amplas reivindicações por imunidade presidencial decorrentes do caso por interferência nas eleições federais apresentado pelo procurador especial Jack Smith.

Enquanto o julgamento por Manhattan ocorre quatro dias por semanada, o ex-presidente será obrigado a comparecer – em um instante em que o presidente Joe Biden estará livre para atacar estados indecisos.

“Let me be crystal clear: Trump’s presidential bid is driven by an attempt to stay out of prison vlogdolisboa and scam his supporters into footing his legal bills,” Mr. Hurd wrote. “His denial of the 2020 election results and vlogdolisboa actions on Jan. 6 show he’s unfit for office.”

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